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Understanding Production Management Relatives
Production Management recognizes that elements such as subclips, master clips, and sequences can be associated with each other. That is, they can be codependent or reference each other. Starting with version 2020.9, you can find an asset's media relatives (clips that are referenced by a sequence or sequences that reference a clip) through the Associations app. Using the Associations app, you can quickly see which elements or assets compose another element and which elements reference the specified element. In this way the relationship between elements is bidirectional: open a sequence and you see its clips; open a clip and you see the sequences in which it is used. This listing of relatives makes it easy for someone who is not involved with the project to find shots, sequences, and so on.
The Associations app can display relatives for the following asset types:
Master clip
Group clip
Stereoscopic Master clip
Stereoscopic Subclip
Motion effect
*The Associations app does not display Production Management associations, this means, it does not provide a list of locations where a file is stored in the database. To see the associations of a Production Management asset, use the Object Inspector’s Association tab of the Production Management Access Client. For more information, see the Interplay | Access User’s Guide.