Welcome to the Avid MediaCentral | Cloud UX Help > Browsing for Assets > Creating and Using Browse Favorites > Changing the Private / Public Status of a Browse Favorite

Changing the Private / Public Status of a Browse Favorite
As an administrator you can change the public / private status of a favorite, as described in the following procedure.
If you are an administrator and you edit a public favorite, the changes are propagated to other users automatically.
To change the public / private status of a browse favorite:
1. Right-click on the favorite and select Edit Details from the context menu.
2. Alter the parameters of the favorite in the Edit Favorite dialog box:
*Enable the “Make this browse favorite public” check box to make the favorite public.
*Disable the “Make this browse favorite public” check box to make the favorite private again.
3. Click the Save button to save your changes.
A public favorite is moved to the top of the Public Folders area. If you made the favorite private, it is moved to the top of the My Folders area.