Exporting the Assignment to a Calendar
After you create and configure your assignment, the Collaborate app allows you to export the assignment as a calendar event that you can add to external applications such as Microsoft Outlook™.
When you export the assignment, the following fields are included in the event:
• The assignment title
• Due date
• Information included in the Info field
• A deep-link to the assignment so that you can more easily return to it
To export an assignment as a calendar event:
1. Open the assignment through the Planner Explorer or through an associated topic.
2. (if required) Assign a Due Date to the assignment.
If the assignment does not include a due date, you cannot export the assignment to your calendar.
3. Click the calendar button to the right of the Due Date field.
A <assignment_title>.ics file is saved to the download location specified in your web browser’s settings.
4. Import the file to your calendar application.
The process to complete this final step varies per application. As an example, some versions of Microsoft Outlook allows you to add events by either double-clicking the file or dragging and dropping the file to your calendar.
Some applications might not support the .ics file type. Before you begin to export any assignments, verify that your preferred calendar application supports this file type.